Nowadays, a special Father’s Day is dedicated worldwide to honour our fathers. Strangely though, they are not celebrated in unison around the world.

Nevertheless, it was Father’s Day in our country, Malaysia, last Sunday June 17.

Blessed Sacrament Church held a simple ceremony at the end of both the morning Chinese and English Masses, to honour fathers.

In his blessings to the fathers present, Fr. Felix Au hoped that children would learn to appreciate their fathers and be responsible and care for them in their old age.

Earlier, he had pointed out that faith formation for young children should start at home…with the parents. They should never neglect their duties of teaching their young ones Christian values. Sunday school teachers are only there to facilitate their growth.

Besides being showered with God’s blessings, fathers in the congregation were presented with lovely paper bags containing biscuits, coupled with special Bible verses on scrolls, by the Morning Choir.

In recording his thanks, an appreciative father commented: “It’s an appropriate gift for me. I can use the scroll as a bookmark, and the Bible verse I received seems to be speaking to me.”

Another grateful father felt that the Bible verse he received was an affirmation that his children were being brought up to be responsible beings. Also, to be respectful of others.

Happy Father’s Day to all fathers out there!

Photos by: Crystal Chong