Dear BSC parishioners,
The BSC Church Reopening Team has been working hard for the past month in preparing the Church for its reopening. We are thankful to the members of this Church Reopening Team which comprises members of the Parish Pastoral Council and other significant liturgical ministries’ leaders. They have gone through the SOPs, cleaned the church, marked the social distancing lines, briefings, etc. All of us are grateful to this Team…the Parish Pastoral Council, and the many liturgical ministers.
Can we go to Mass now?
1. Not at the moment. We hope to open to the public on the 3rd or 4th weekend of July. In the meantime, all the liturgical ministries will have to familiarize themselves with the Church SOPs.
2. Online Live-streaming of the Mass will continue until all restrictions are lifted.
How can I attend a Mass in the Church?
1. The maximum number of people for a Mass in Blessed Sacrament Church is 200 parishioners.
2. You will need to pre-book a seat. Details will be provided at a later time.
3. You will not be able to attend Mass in the Church every Sunday. You are invited to give opportunity for others to come to the Church for Sunday Mass.
What can I expect when I attend a Mass in the Church?
Step 1: Verification at the Gate
Step 2: Church Main door
Anyone with a temperature of over 37.5°C will not be allowed to enter the Church. When the first reading is such, a second reading will be retaken after a few minutes.
Step 3: Entering the Church
Step 4: Duration of Mass
1. Remain at the allocated seat for the duration of the Mass.
2. Keep your face mask on at all times.
Step 5: Holy Communion
1. The priest/EOMHC will lift the Consecrated Host and say, “The Body of Christ”.
2. The communicant answers “Amen” standing 1-meter away, and then moves forward, with left palm on top of right palm facing upwards.
3. The priest/EOMHC places the Consecrated Host onto the palm of the communicant’s hand. To keep face mask on.
NOTE: Communion on the tongue will not be allowed as communicants are not allowed to lower their masks in front of the priest/EOMHC distributing Holy Communion.
4. After receiving the Consecrated Host, go to the side marked ‘X’.
5. On that spot (X), lower the face mask by removing the eye loop on one side so as not to touch your face. Reverently consume the Consecrated Host.
6. Having consumed the Consecrated Host, reposition face mask and return to original seat.
Step 6: Leaving the Church and Church compound
Seated: To remain seated until the warden indicates to move.
Exit: To exit row by row beginning at the pew nearest to the Main Door, to the front pew nearest the sanctuary.
In the meantime, all parishioners will have to continue to attend the Holy Mass online.
If you have any needs or queries, do call the Parish Office (082-578857) or WhatsApp us (011-5507 8570). Do note that all visitors to the Parish Office are to observe the Office SOPs.
Wishing all of you a Happy and Blessed Sunday.
God bless.
Fr Patrick Heng
26 June 2020
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